Have you heard of an expression, 엉덩이에 털 난다 [uhng-duhng-ee-eh-teol-nan-da] meaning you get hairy butt? Yeah, it does sounds funky weird but it's an expression to use to someone who goes from tears to smile/laughter back and forth.
Usually it happens to be someone crying and then smile/laugh then others taunt that person saying "울다가 웃으면 엉덩이에 털난다" [wool-da-ka-woo-su-myun-uhng-duhng-ee-eh-ppool-nan-da] meaning if you cry and all of sudden smile/laugh, hair grows on your butt.
Some say it's originated from how much/often emotion changes during teenage and at the same time the secondary sex character occurs involving hair growing on different body parts. Others say it's just to taunt little kids by funny & embarrassing line, which is hairy butt.
Yup, believe or not, we still use it. =)
Usually it happens to be someone crying and then smile/laugh then others taunt that person saying "울다가 웃으면 엉덩이에 털난다" [wool-da-ka-woo-su-myun-uhng-duhng-ee-eh-ppool-nan-da] meaning if you cry and all of sudden smile/laugh, hair grows on your butt.
Some say it's originated from how much/often emotion changes during teenage and at the same time the secondary sex character occurs involving hair growing on different body parts. Others say it's just to taunt little kids by funny & embarrassing line, which is hairy butt.
Yup, believe or not, we still use it. =)